City, Region, Environment

IfS supports federal and Länder governments, local authorities and the private sector by developing analysis, expert opinions, concepts and recommendations.

We prepare analyses, expert opinions, concepts and recommendations on the structural, spatial and social development of cities and regions. Through monitoring and evaluation we contribute to enhancing programmes and instruments of urban and regional development.

In the environmental domain we support our customers in preparing strategic environmental impact assessments, plans and programmes, as well as in the achievement of environmental objectives and in promoting sustainable urban development.


Our services

  • Evaluation of funding programmes and model projects
  • Integrated concepts for urban development
  • Concepts for regional development
  • Social reporting
  • Coordination of contests and workshops
  • Preparation and realisation of conferences

Staff members

Dr. Anja Nelle
Project Manager

Max Reichenheim

Kristin Schwarze
Project Manager


Former staff:

Dr. Reinhard Aehnelt
Project Manager

Bärbel Winkler-Kühlken
Project Manager