We offer support throughout the whole life-cycle of complex political programmes - often linked to the European Structural Funds ERDF and ESF.
Our services include strategy development, development and implementation of monitoring and evaluation systems as well as evaluations. We offer advice in designing policy management and the implementing policies.
We cover the whole range of labour market and regional policies, with innovation policy playing an important role. We are working for governments on federal and Länder level as well as the European Commission.
*on our english pages you'll find selected projects*
Our services
Strategy development
Development of monitoring and evaluation systems
Guidance in development and implementation of impact oriented policy management
No news available.
Staff members
Anne Bunnenberg Researcher
Victoria Escobar Heredia Researcher
Wolfgang Jaedicke Project Manager
Dr. Oliver Schwab Director, Project Manager
Kristin Schwarze Project Manager
IfS Institut für Stadtforschung und Strukturpolitik GmbH
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