Ongoing evaluation of the ERDF-/ESF multifund programm in lower saxony

Together with ISG, GEFRA and Kovalis we've been supporting the ERDF- and ESF-support in lower saxony - from evaluation plan to monitoring and evaluation


The lower-saxonian multifund programm of the period 2014 to 2020 is the only joint programm covering ERDF and ESF in Germany. The work of the ongoing evaluation comprises the following modules:

  • Developing the evaluation plan
  • Monitoring
  • Evaluation
  • Communication on study designs, results and other ongoing tasks

Monitoring comprises drafting the annual implementation reports, contributions to the national progress reports, data analysis and ad-hoc-reporting for the Managing Authority.

Evaluatio work mainly consists of an evaluation per priority plus special studies. IfS is responsible for the overal coordination of the work, the ERDF-related monitoring plus evaluation of ERDF-priorities 3 (reduction of greenhouse gas emissions) 4 (sustainable and environmentally friendly development) plus ESF-priority 9 (investment in education and training). Evaluations are theory-based, with varying designs and ways how programme theories are being used.

Furthermore, IfS carried out a special study on sustainability. Another study on "good work" is on it's way.

For more information on the multifonds programme see the pages of the Managing Authority (only German).